Saturday, August 27, 2011

Silent Fears (The Art of Letting Go pt. 1)

Are you a person that loves to sing? Have you ever been trained? Well, if you answered "yes" to the first question but "no" to the second, then you are just like me. Perhaps you have a better singing voice than I do. You see, I sound fairly bad when I sing, especially when I'm giving my best effort. I do not have much control vocally. The point is, if you are some what like me, then you probably have a fear of singing in public and being harshly ridiculed for a lack of apparent skill.

Let this day serve as the day that all of that changes

This video and a few others expose just how bad I am at creating an atmosphere with my voice alone. It is a harsh reality. I can deal with not possessing that sort of skill. What I could not cope with was the cold-hearted harshness of the opinions of others. I would love to believe that I am borderline brilliant but I seem rather average and slightly lower than that in many ways. With this realization at hand, I ask myself what I hold anything back for? Why fear anything devised from the World of man?

And that is why this post was made. Maybe it will be a bit of spiritual encouragement. Not to do what is right at all times. Not to do what you want at all times. Not to do what is fun or unfun or dutiful but to do what needs to be done to find the best balance of living. Navigate the stream of life energies. Feel the flow of electricities. Let go of the nagging voices whispering like a coward out of the corner of darkness within. Stand tall and speak out. The first step to letting go is indeed acknowledging a problem exist. This is the challenge. Use my video to ply yourself from your phobic imaginings.

Only thing that it'll get you is a different trajectory. This is how you become legendary instead of ordinary. Be better tomorrow by letting go who you are today.

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