Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Found Wanting

Quality. A hidden notion expressed subtlety throughout a  continuum of communication. Often nuanced into sarcasm via lack rather than a healthy focus of growth based on the positive interactions.

What else could you expect but negativity when most of what you say is bathed in doubt & disdain.  Rather than a supposedly innocuous practice of emotionally ventilating frustration, try taking the appropriate actions to limit your need for frustration.

"Those who issue complaint illustrate their inability as opposed to unfairness."

Why spend time talking about the things in life that you feel that you cannot accomplish?  How about you focus on the things that you can accomplish and research all inquiries on ability rather than make snap judgments on possibility?

The idea at work here is that in life, there has been a situation that has appeared to be "impossible", only to be accomplished, conquered and "out-classed" by another more impossible feat.

Sure, cavemen did not dream of heavy metal planes "floating" tens of thousands of feet in the air. After all, that is the point. You limit yourself more than you know. This is not to say throw away conventional thinking because you need it for interacting with this current format of the World. However, stagnation is a sign of death. Never stop growing.

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