Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sexual Mileage

I've never been one to focus on measures of beauty when pursuing a woman. I have been one that focuses on habits, characteristics & personality. There is no perfect way but there are many ways to do it the way I do it. Of those many ways, the relevant way for today is a lack of too much sexual mileage. I'm sure many of you will remember this youtube video from a while back. If not, go ahead and watch it. It's fairly funny and fairly short.

Now, there a few ways to gauge sexual mileage and none of them matter too much because the human body is an amazing thing. You could have a woman who was with one man for 6 years and they "smanged" like rabbits. She clearly will get more mileage out of that one guy than any woman could get out of 50 guys in half that time. But we're programmed to distance ourselves from the higher number of partners because...well...there are hypotheses but no definite reason. I'd like to think of it as the sexually transmitted disease prevention rule*. It appears to be a high risk interaction compared to a woman with fewer partners. The mileage isn't so important in that estimation. It's the reckless nature of hooking up with people you couldn't possibly know well enough to share intimate space with them that's the problem.

How smart does a woman need to be in order to learn a man enough to have relations with him? How dumb does a man need to be in order to be simple enough for a woman to learn him in a short period of time? Either way, it is a bad look. Dumb man, short time & no sense. Not good enough for me. And not because her humanity is compromised. It isn't. It is her approach to living that is incompatible. I disagree with it. I don't believe the body should be used without regard to the feelings of the person you may end up with. And that isn't to say that the body shouldn't experience proper usage. It is more to say, don't half ass your commitments. Do it seriously and sincerely. Otherwise, you end up with 30 guys  in 6 years and can't really explain how the number got so large. You know what's worse than being reckless with your money? Being reckless with your body; with your health.

I don't want a "chaste" woman. I don't want a woman who has far less experience than I do. I want a woman who can match me in experience so that we can grow together with the least amount of confusion, humiliation and conflict. And a woman having twice the number of sexual partners; twice the number of expectations; twice the number of excuses; half as much discipline and even less confidence simply isn't going to work with a person who lives by a weird set of ideals such as myself. Sure, other men feel similarly or even much more harshly about how many partners a woman should have had. But who's out here allowing these men to prosper while possessing such ignorant thoughts. At least I want a woman that mirrors my depth and understanding. And you cannot understand until you've walked a mile. I just want the one who has walked that mile.

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