Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Cute Fuckin' Puppy

From, someone posed the question "Do you want a robot or a puppy". I found that question off putting. I went back to read what I had composed. I did not remember. I was drunk with the moment; no substance.
Anyway, I read what I had typed and thought with bewildered paces "what is so off?". I need to remember that these people don't really "feel" my charm through these typed words.

So, here's the difference: a robot would be completely programmed and there would be no acceptable flex of personality. A puppy can have its personality but must be obedient. Dogs are companions and tools, they are surrogates for presence(especially if it is big enough). I have a puppy; she is sweet as hell and obedient to match. She's a wonderful bitch. I don't want my woman obedient or robotic. I want her to have a rich history of reasonable decisions and experiences. I want her to have lived her single life as far as she felt the need. I want her to understand that she can continually attempt to set fire to the bridge we built and expect me to put that fire out. I expect her to bring the materials to build the bridge or the expertise and effort or split each with me. I don't want another creature waiting on me to produce, produce & produce. I don't need that. No man needs that. I don't want that. What man wants that?

Perhaps, I responded too seriously but somethings are redundant like women telling me that my standards are too strict. Oh? you want me to be like every other dude and just want someone prettier than you, sexier than you, smarter than you, richer than you, more chaste than you? Naw, I'm me. I don't want a slut because I ain't no slut. I don't want anything greater than what I bring...but even though I said that, it was disregarded. Ah...I am  too sincere. These words sound a great deal more serious than the tone in my head. But it is serious to me. It is a charge against my character and everything I stand for is rooted in these words. This is about my preference and it speaks volumes about my thoughts. And that was attacked...criticized as unrealistic. I am setting that record straight - tone deaf or not.


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