Monday, June 20, 2011

Need of Approval

I won't have much to say here.

This entire life cycle that we are processed through is centered around approval. From our ability to grasp language and become attractive, we are constantly judged on our worth based on societal approvals.

Some of you may outright disagree. You may stop reading now and leave. I don't have time to deal with dissenting voices on the basis of some fundamental difference in view of language comprehension. Right or wrong, I know what I see.

First its about fulfilling our parents wishes. Of course this depends on our parents. Some of our parents have very reasonable and low set goals. Some are not so reasonable(here is a shout out to all the tiger mom's in the building). Then when we are maybe 40 years old and going through a mid-life crisis, we finally realize just how much we weren't living for ourselves. We do crazy things like create bucket list and jump out of airplanes and bungy jump all in the name to find a cheap yet exhilarating thrill. To confirm we are alive and have control of our own lives.

Why does it take so long just to have that thought of autonomy and independence? Oh, I have tons of answers but this isn't about the answers, this is about why we don't ask them. We are too busy re-calculating our social GPS's and trying to figure out where we stand. Some of us develop healthier strategies to obscure and distract ourselves from this unpleasant process. Others of us simply grunt under the weight of all the judgments placed 'pon they weary souls. All these self help books do a good job at echoing the successful man's mantra or expressing the senses of sacrifice necessary to move forward in the stream of life. Yes, Life stream. Some even go as far as to explain this need for approval and sharing the approval of others. We still talk around it.

Enough of my blathering, let me make it personal. I do not know whether I am smart or not so smart. I do not know whether I am attractive or if there is something on my face that women keep trying to lick off. I do not know why people are so convinced they know other people based on mere speculation and hear-say, but I do know that no matter what constraints you put it in, 1+1=2. The addition sign is not some running metaphor for limitless extrapolations of contradictions to deny the rule. Verify the simplicity of yourself. You are one individual and like whole numbers you can be broken down into parts. So follow this one moment where I shut up this notion of 1+1 can =3. You take 1 adult and add in another adult and you get two adults. You may develop a child of that situation but a child is not equal to an adult. Qualified. But I still need approval to feel validated with what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying?

Why do you think that racism is still alive and kicking? Because it has been codified as something that is natural. It has been approved of as something that rest within all of us. But cars aren't natural and neither is a brick house or gas heating or electric shavers. We just pick and choose which contradictions we excuse and choose to hold protective custody over the ones that allow us to remain immature in as many ways as possible.

This is why we cannot have anything nice. Too busy applying the lowest one of our desires over each, not sex but close, emotional gratification. We feel some kind of way and grant the impulse action thereby verifying whatever ill that was born of our poor and misled perception of the way the World was as we saw it at that moment.
This is why I think all white women are the same. This is why people claim Black men are afraid and insecure. This is why white men are given such an atrocious image. Because we allow ourselves to be pulled into malarkey simply because it doesn't directly attack us.
Before all of the biases and negative experiences, in our innocence, we were better and capable of honesty. Now, honesty has been removed from us and we are stuck to scour the World as we know it for the approval that we need. (I think scour is the perfect word to create irony in this situation).

Fare thee well.


  1. *waves* Hey hey! Alright, in response to our chat over at VSB thanks for your perspective, it's truly appreciated. What's so wrong with humbling one's self out here on these innanets? lol I will admit I don't recognize my own greatness 100% of the time and it has led to missed opportunities (life goes on). This need for approval of which you speak is so very, very, very familiar. Wonderful read =)

    Afro Petite

  2. I'm just seeing this. It took me a moment to remember the conversation. But with you, I always see your avi first. I absolutely love your skin in the avi. Its unbelievably beautiful to my eyes.

    Nothing wrong with being humble. That is the World I seek, the one full of humility.

    Now, I definitely didn't mean any disrespect. You seem very humble and assured but I just feel like you are more potent than your words get me to feeling.

    Like words alone. They are like two sentences every time I read them. Full of apprehension or something. Its beautiful but sad. And so I speak of the discord I get from it. IDK...I'm not trying to be extra...maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

  3. Thanks SB :-) Beautiful but sad...and here I am thinking I'm leaving neutral comments lol I dole out my potency in small concentrations I suppose. Don't ever want to come off to strong in any situation is what runs through my head.

  4. Yeah? Swag/charisma/charm was never about giving two cents worth a damn about how people perceived you BUT it isn't exactly about walking over people either. Do what you want because that is going to make you the happiest.

    Now, my only caveat to that is if what you want to do lands you in the boiling hot water of consequence, maybe you should have thought harder about whether you wanted to be punished. Food for thought Big/small, pretty/ugly, dumb/smart but none of that has ever stopped anybody who succeeded from success. What stops people isthe silliness of their thought processes. I'm only saying this because....I'm silly and I think it will help to know. This is one of my drawbacks. I'm always trying to help people who either don't need it or didn't ask for it. But I just care that much and its hard being "hard". What ever it is, I hope you comment much more, even if it is simply to say "hi!"

  5. It's not even about what makes me happiest per se. When I express myself online I don't do so with the intent of pleasing others necessarily. I share just enough to get my intended point across and nothing more. I find it adorable that you are so passionate about trying to diagnose and treat the world lol =) You are appreciated.

  6. And whatever point I thought I was attempting to make just got made into a bullet and shot through my head in the sweetest tone.

    Amazing. Well, then. :-)

  7. *blows lightly over gun barrel and puts pink Glock back into holster*
