Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Magic: Deeper than Lexicon

Those who title themselves with absolute one-up type words are dealing with massive insecurity issues. Of course, this is not a global truth. Who really needs to be known as a god? A lord or a king? The all knowing perhaps?

Exactly, nobody need be known by these terms but a person that desires to be known by these terms has come to desire such by the ever looming sense of lack. These people are aware of the magical power of words. However, I doubt that these people grasp the magnitude of deference required to use such words. Also, I seriously doubt the extents of which they understand that how they communicate conveys countless ounces of personal information in very few words.

Not to be Sherlock Holmes about this all or anything but a person trying to detach themselves from a stressful situation isn’t going to submerge themselves needlessly. More directly, people don’t engage in stressful situations unless they have a spoken or unspoken pledge to resolve the problem or they enjoy being unhappy. Humans really are simple beings.

When somebody is mean to us, we typically respond with sadness. When somebody shares their happiness with us, we feel the urge to join in and enjoy a laugh or two. This ability to communicate energies is magical. Even more magical when these words, pictures or symbols otherwise can inspire this same set of responses with no direct interaction. The information that can be conveyed by these magical little markings. Really, words are an intriguing connection to all of the amazing accomplishments of our ancestors and achievement sciences. Just imagine how poorly evolved we would be without words…especially written words.

And this feeds back into how words not only say more than the words that were uttered stand to convey but what wasn’t offered. The pictures that weren’t painted often tell a story of what the person sharing these words, sees. Now, some may be asking why it would ever be important. But people do not or cannot always share the truth. People often have hidden agendas and ulterior motives. It is important to know whether the person is being forthright and respectable when interacting with you and those you care about.

Be the mage, wizard or other well read and experienced wielder of the language of birth. Learn more languages to speak for more people. After all, this is a blessing to be seen as fit to hold a conversation. The more skill & dexterity that is illustrated within the constraints of a conversation, the more people will go out of their way to engage and interact. That in and of itself is a sign of magic. What would inspire them to choose one over the other? Exactly, this ability to wield as a weapon, the words employed to integrate seamlessly with others. Acknowledge that. Accept that words are magic. Understand the limit of magic prowess. Become a first class mage. Win friends and influence demons.

It is up to the employer to deploy the proper strengths at the appropriate times. Blame no other for a notable lack in self. Assume responsibility. Grow to be equitable to others. Because words are important but it’s deeper than the words used but definitely how they’re used.

Good Luck…til then….:-)


  1. I think I get what you're saying, but I've always thought of it from a different perspective. I think it's our responsibility when using the spoken (or maybe even written) word to choose our verbiage so that we convey any and all appropriate messages so there's as little dissonance as possible within the multiple messages that people receive. We have to master the tools of communication and of language, but first we have to master what we say (actually, I think this is what you're getting at). Once we have a firm hold on what we want to say, the message becomes easier to contour. The more I think about this, the more interesting it gets. This requires further examination. Thanks in advance for the prompt to make me think more about this.

  2. Much appreciation.
    I'm not sure exactly how I'm seeing this because it continues to morph in my construct of both language and magic.
    I suppose my focus was more on the result of the words and less emphatic on the usage which I feel was more an after thought to me.
    Yeah, it was more that, I could curse somebody out and ruin their day. Or I could pay somebody a priceless compliment and inspired them into happiness. That's that magic I see. But indeed, I have only begun to contemplate or ponder this topic.
    So, no problem. You are always welcome. Feel free to share your thoughts on this whenever. I'm excited to hear what you come up with. (read)
