Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pleasantly Vile

Throughout the day, as the shade shifts & time travels the narrow passage; water, earth & air are consumed in the flames and reborn in the same manner. The relentless expansion of now. We hope to capture and subjugate that ever fleeting moment in a bottle and reproduce it at will. I do not know if there were ever a human being that could indeed swear on a stack of Bibles that there wasn't at least a single moment in all of their coalesced seconds that they would desire to cling to for just a moment longer.
And that is the beauty of it all. The inability to look backwards as did Orpheus in loosing himself of all he cherished. We are Orpheus. Despite knowing better and being restrained to our benefit against turning our heads to reverse, we are undaunted in our pursuits to break the hold that limits our ability to turn our collective heads to the past and relive those expired moments. Yes, I'm talking about time travel. No, I'm not crazy. Yes, I believe we should live in one direction. No, I'm not fascist in my belief; creed how you need. All I am saying is that, for your best individual benefit, have faith and go forth. Leap strongly into the winds and know that you will be carried. Whether you are carried by your inner passions or a greater being, it matters not. All that matters is that you leave it all in your chest and decide on the determination to make the best of what ever situation you have.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Then Let it Be

Perhaps I've resorted to blowing smoke up my own ass. When I walk into a bathroom and look into a mirror, I feel happy. I see my face and sigh from relief that the person in the mirror is somebody that makes me proud. The person in the mirror definitely strives to overcome every problem set before him, regardless of what he says. Because at the end of the day, he would much rather know that he put as much effort, ambition and planning into his response to the World's request of him (at that moment), as possible.

I ain't the quickest to see the thing that I'm looking beyond. Snakes would have bit me all day long. I'll move everything piece by piece simply because of this ability to overlook the side of a barn. I'm the type that needs explicit directions because otherwise everything is far to vague for me to comprehend. I have my strengths though. Back up off me!

Often, I'll attempt to control or manipulate the outcome by sweetening every deal for my desired resolution. Typically, I'm clever enough to pull this feat off without much ado. With women however, this is the least successful in my employ.

Women that I've dealt with don't typically appreciate the healthy approach to human interaction. I'll be damned but there is a certain trend. All the girls have this same absent minded tendency to just suddenly fall out of concentration. Yet and still, they were all individuals. These women seem to respond more to "senses of duty" or manipulation or competition. And I continuously attract the same type. So, I've been working on me HARDCORE. Seems that the more I improve, the less it matters to these girls. (<---yes, if you've noticed that I'm calling them girls, it's because I'm a little bitter).

Cannot be honest. I'm too soft with my words. I'm to blunt with my words. I'm mean. I'm the nicest guy they ever met. Apparently the only thing I am consistently is confusing. So, forget it all...I mean, for now, why bother attempting to maintain with a woman that is only going to be partly there in the first place? Nope, I should just allow myself to use them like toilet tissha. Each one of them will be worth some sort of plus, I'm sure.

Either way...I'm going to lay my head down for a while...I'm tired of this mess right chere.


maybe I'll just continue to keep working on my improvement, acknowledge the cycle for what it is and then let it be.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Argument

Okay, the moment of truth has arrived. I've been avoiding the obligatory relationship topics. I mean, it appears to be the niche of bloggers far and wide. Did I mention that if a blogger of color composes a blog, no less than 95% of that material is allowed to be about relationships? Yeah, I want to steer clear of the obvious engorging others with my experiences with the hopes that they could derive some benefit from it. Why? Because the short form regurgitation and application is something I hold great disdain for, as it removes the idea of practice & cultivation as a central theme in the applicable situations. My point is that people need to work to achieve a certain understanding and gifting them perspectives they haven't worked to is a selfish love. We shouldn't seek to save others pain but to help them develop the strength to overcome their weaknesses. Life ain't easy on purpose: survival of the fittest.(For all you semanticists, not the physically fittest but the entire package fittest).

With that being said, relationships offer people a mirror to stand in front of so that they may better recognize who they are. Why do I believe that? Simple. There is no source of conflict when there is little to no investment. However, when there is a great investment and a threat that the return may be minimal, emotions become a central motivator and things get personal. At this junction the conflict becomes salient. Conflict serves this purpose as a means to continue maintaining the relationship. The obstacle that conflict supplies must be overcome otherwise the pairing will dissolve. That is the opposite goal of getting together in the first place. This is where people need to learn to flex their truest sense of diplomacy, equality, social etiquette as well as their resolution skills.

There are innumerable ways for conflicts to progress (we aren't talking logical progressions). Typically, there will be a meeting of the minds amicably(good terms); a meeting of the minds grudgingly(good terms);a disparity of the minds(bad terms); agreeing to dislike each others ideas absolutely(bad terms) and of course the situation where no "ground" is gained whatsoever. [I split the directions into these four different absolutes for a few reasons: it's grid based logic and very simple to follow; there is an easy way to contrast and compare the different interactions; people who don't like to delve too deeply in contemplation/introspection can appreciate the brevity of the layout and it offers a quick learning curve to those who have little-to-no experience with this sort of idea.]

The most frequently occurring method of interaction is for an individual to speak from their perspective and how they see things/situations/interactions. This is an extremely limited way of communicating because it offers that this perspective is the best since it is a major player to initiate the conflict. These people should listen more and seek to talk less.

Next, would be the people who offer that they know some other person or have interacted with some authority to validate their internal set of thoughts. Unfortunately, this also relies on the original participant to be reliable in the manner which they relayed the makeup of the situation. Most people simple fail at it even while attempting to be impartial. These people need to learn to study their own ignorances and apply their own earned intellects to their own independently fostered complications.

Another way to go about interacting is the pretentious and unfortunately arrogant perspective of either "I'm trained in this so I'm better" or "I feel how I feel and you just need to accept it whether I'm right or I'm wrong". These are extremely unfair vantage points. You don't manipulate people into an obsequious position simple because you believe you have an advantage in one way or another. That isn't how strength works and unwittingly, the person in the "know", has become a slave to knowledge that they presume to have agency over. The tragedy is that these people may be correct but the invalid nature of their stance corroborates an inherent weakness with their approach which almost always leads to them violating their personal truths.

Yet another way is for the person who is simply the door mat for everything that is brought against them. Each individual must make an informed, well-composed and legitimate attempt to help improve their mate as well as themselves. This is something that not only illicits signs that one is invested but actively so and willing to "roll up the sleeves and get to work" improving together. This is a very important measure that is often underestimated by men of good intention.

Lastly, it'd be the people who seem not to be invested at all but simply dislike the idea of being proven wrong. It's such a misleading action. If you couldn't care less, then make that known and save everybody involved in the other person's life a bit of heartache and let them be without much ado. This is important. Personally, these people have more trouble than any one person needs. However, passing that pain on isn't helping anybody. If you cannot handle your own deal, then you might as well stay alone. There is absolutely no reason to bring misery to every heart you visit between here and home.

In closing, we all have had some form of these perspectives at some point in time. But the important function isn't where you came from but where you end up. Keep growing and continue to work on your arguments. The more effort you put into being in the quadrant with positive signs all around you, the happier you will be with what you accomplished by even getting there. And things only improve from there on. Attitude is everything here. Keep a good one and no matter the struggle face you wear, the argument won't get the best of you.

But I'm not infallible, maybe you see some part of the legend that I neglected. Hmmm, well add if you can and if you cannot, thank you for reading. ;-)