Ever heard the term "trendy"? I would bet my financial security that you have. The thing about that term is that the general consensus of comprehension of that word, is nearly esoteric. It is in one of the most conflicted relationships that I have ever witnessed personally. Why? Because most people separate trends from what they like and appreciate and place that particular title on lesser more disdained "things".
Instead of measuring sheer potency or functionality, a trendy crowd will focus on some superfluous and almost always analogous aspect of their current trend of choice. This includes the true artist and purist of the World. When minutiae are the focus or the reasoning behind an extreme heightening of adoration then you have a clear sign of the beginnings of a trend.
Some of you may ask why I care or what got me focused on this topic. As I sit here and think, it was the preference that was expounded passionately by my most recent love interest. She could barely appreciate, anything out of her field of taste, in earnest. Basically, Beyonce. Though, I'm not a huge fan of her myself, I totally appreciate what she contributes to society. She ain't perfect...far from it but why do I even need to say that? Because my opinion matters to me and I want it to matter to you. I don't want to be dismissed as some fanboy who swoons over Beyonce because that isn't who I am. I'm just a guy who knows what I like to hear & see. Mrs. Carter fits that profile nicely. The thing is, I'm calling it like I see it and maybe I'm blind. I also don't stalk about the web looking for news or rumors on celebrities.
Anyways, as I thought about this disregard of whatever talents Beyonce has, I was listening to "Dangerously in Love 2" which is easily my favorite song from her. I thought, "It is true that this is a trend of disrespect coming to denounce all that this woman is." And as I noticed that society jumps on and off of bandwagons trying to delicately balance itself between those who should win and those who should perish. We are all involved in a tug-of-war in one way or another. This battlefield was never intended to be evacuated. I defer.
I denounce my opinion here & now. This is how I retreat from this field of endless battle. I know far too well that I will be chased. I know far too well that escape will be short-lived and I can only hope for brief moments of life without trouble. Be it thus. I desire to avoid trends and trending arguments. Lupe Fiasco. I just want to do what is the most right. Forget how I feel about it. And getting a job and working my life away isn't living well or doing the right thing. That is more akin to doing the acceptable thing than the right thing. I want to do the right thing; I want to contribute my passion to the overall worth of mankind no matter how little or great that contribution is. May these be the truest words I ever wrote.
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