Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trail of Dark clouds

Leave your troubles at home.
Who can actually do this?
What I see people doing is augmenting one inapplicable emotion into one that is economically acceptable in society.
Notoriously linked to being frustrated and sad. Being neutered of the ability to express this emotional baggage. Eventually, increasing the difficulty required to overcome these very frequent obstacles.
We talk to those that have patience for us. Until their patience runs low or out.
Its always the same story.
Even when the story is different.
And so society devises that this emotional onslaught is a never ending paradigm that should rather than be dealt with properly, should be left at home.
Now we all use emotional transference to throw our emotional content at people with guilt rather than expressing, confronting and overcoming what ails us individually.
The ballast of our communities are already doing a great amount to balance out all of the discord and we ask them to do more because those of us that have no idea what is going on wreak havoc due or ignorance. What arrogance.
What to do? Become a better individual so as to not leave a trail of dark clouds that people refuse to tell us about.

Of course that is easy for me to say; what isn't easy to say? "Leggo, leh deu it"

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