Humans as an organism, having chaos introduced into their daily lives at random, unceremoniously triples the amount of stress they must endure. This stress -although private- often trickles into social venues in the most unfathomable and inappropriate ways.
Violence or other various public displays of affection(denote the use of sarcasm) can readily and frequently be seen in action in many public places and range from conflicts amongst strangers to disagreements betwixt friends and lovers alike.
The root or even seed of this is the ideal of integrity, impression and respect. Inside thoughts and outside actions are completely different and judged on differing scales of acknowledgement. However, the idea is fallacious all the same. Knowing or not knowing, offended or not offended and affected or not affected ultimately lead you to one conclusion: Will you allow the outside World influence your every thought and decision OR will you assert your plan for World domination based on something a bit more out of touch with reality? And Yes, those are the only two choices. ;-)
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