Friday, September 6, 2013

Back in 2010 Before VSB

I was working for General Dynamics as a contractor. It wasn't a bad gig. Some of the work was about hustling but mostly, it was about teamwork. I did absolutely fine in all regards except for giving a damn about all the little shit everybody would act all dramatic about. I had people who would fuck with me and jeopardize my employment. But I make it a point to have the bosses recognize me. That's my best case scenario.

Anyway. I had a girlfriend in Korea. She began acting an ass. I just moved into a new apartment. I had purchased a vehicle and the engine blew three weeks later(earlier that year). I had my older car blow a transmission a week after that. And I had finally had that repaired. My business was getting better and I was spending even more time on the road trying to establish a great foundation for my market. I was truly in the midst of an endless hustle. Key coworkers were fired. Harassment grew worse. Girlfriend in Korea wouldn't hold conversations anymore. And the only real ray of light I had in my life was this single mother(who would eventually become my girlfriend). So I break up with Korea and everything is going fine with the single mother. She comes to visit(SM) and the visit goes great. But my boss pulls authority and claims it's a mandatory work day while she's visiting. At this point, I stopped giving a damn. Three weeks later I was laid off. I didn't think much of it. Boy, was I wrong.

My best friend at the time was visiting. It was time for him to leave and he hadn't purchased his tickets for return and asked me to help him out. I told him I really couldn't afford to help him out because of my being laid off. He promises to pay it back the next day. The next day turns into a month and then he starts dodging my calls. I say fuck it, I'm a dope ass friend. He can have that money. Fuck him. He knew I was in a shitty spot and he still fucked me over.

In the meantime, I tell SM and she doesn't give any reaction. 9 days later, she breaks everything off with tears. I get in my car to drive to my mother's house so I can relax and eat and just be around people who give a good god damn about me. I get half a mile down the street and a cop pulls a u-turn. I think it's because I'm black in a predominantly white area. He says it was my windshield being cracked. He writes me a ticket for that, license plate, and an out of date insurance card. The price of that ticket was $975. So, here I am, in a new apartment lease, no income, best friend not following through on his word, my new girlfriend(that I traded the old one for) broke up with me, big ticket and I have nobody I can really talk to. I just pulled over and wept. I felt like the world was shitting on me. Then I swallowed it and pushed forward.

That was August 2010, one of the shittiest moments in my entire life. Old gf on the phone always trying to get me back, new gf trying to push me away, money money money, jobs, stress, gay people with sexual harassments at the job I got fired from, lack of sleep, loneliness, car problems, and on and on....In September I was shown VSB. I began commenting and I was scared and intimidated but it was a good thing. Although, a lot in my life is still in disrepair, I have grown in many ways to such a point that the same problems wouldn't shake me nearly the same as they once did. My point is that how we look at things is everything to us. If we can learn to prepare ourselves ahead of time, difficulties aren't nearly as debilitating. Anyway, that's for the night.

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