Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Then Let it Be

Perhaps I've resorted to blowing smoke up my own ass. When I walk into a bathroom and look into a mirror, I feel happy. I see my face and sigh from relief that the person in the mirror is somebody that makes me proud. The person in the mirror definitely strives to overcome every problem set before him, regardless of what he says. Because at the end of the day, he would much rather know that he put as much effort, ambition and planning into his response to the World's request of him (at that moment), as possible.

I ain't the quickest to see the thing that I'm looking beyond. Snakes would have bit me all day long. I'll move everything piece by piece simply because of this ability to overlook the side of a barn. I'm the type that needs explicit directions because otherwise everything is far to vague for me to comprehend. I have my strengths though. Back up off me!

Often, I'll attempt to control or manipulate the outcome by sweetening every deal for my desired resolution. Typically, I'm clever enough to pull this feat off without much ado. With women however, this is the least successful in my employ.

Women that I've dealt with don't typically appreciate the healthy approach to human interaction. I'll be damned but there is a certain trend. All the girls have this same absent minded tendency to just suddenly fall out of concentration. Yet and still, they were all individuals. These women seem to respond more to "senses of duty" or manipulation or competition. And I continuously attract the same type. So, I've been working on me HARDCORE. Seems that the more I improve, the less it matters to these girls. (<---yes, if you've noticed that I'm calling them girls, it's because I'm a little bitter).

Cannot be honest. I'm too soft with my words. I'm to blunt with my words. I'm mean. I'm the nicest guy they ever met. Apparently the only thing I am consistently is confusing. So, forget it all...I mean, for now, why bother attempting to maintain with a woman that is only going to be partly there in the first place? Nope, I should just allow myself to use them like toilet tissha. Each one of them will be worth some sort of plus, I'm sure.

Either way...I'm going to lay my head down for a while...I'm tired of this mess right chere.


maybe I'll just continue to keep working on my improvement, acknowledge the cycle for what it is and then let it be.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I've been there. As you've said, you've got to let it be. Just be the you that makes you happy. It will work out.
