"I wanna spend, time 'til it ends; I wanna fall with you again". An R&B ballad describing the urge to capture an undying; perpetually intensifying love in a moment of time shared by two people. Very romantic.
About social views on romance and the immediately related topics, often given life by song and show, which is the truer art imitating life or vice versa? Seemingly, the general public shifts convergent and divergent to cultural appeal. This can be used as an indicator of the flow of information as well as the inability to be free, independent thinkers.
The argument can be made that given a set of possibilities, a certain amount are going to feel a certain way. That in and of itself is fine. However, when groups defined on the basis of superficial characteristics can be clearly defined by said characteristics, sociological issues arise in myriad. These groups are typically glossed over for and defined by their "worth" to the direction of the governing body. No conspiracy theory so far, right?
This overall "influence" of the governing body determines the entirety of the population's individual perspectives directly or indirectly so. Prospective futures, legal limitations for self expression, a standard for acknowledgement as well as numerous criterion useful in measuring and defining self. Defining one's self typically begins with where they were born and what environment they were raised in. Point is, the past always matters; experience always matters, especially in a job/career search. What happens to a person, what that person does, what they eat, what they survive, what they cause to happen, it should all follow that person through life helping that person to become a better person with every step into the future.
Though, the cultural trend is beginning to seem like people want to play the high and mighty role of forgetting the past. Which is in some ways admirable. Like starting on a clean slate will remove the sting of a broken heart or a lost loved one. Even the bones in the human body are wiser than to try and forget the "breaks" or "nicks" that are accumulated over the years.
Like the broken bone aches when the weather is rainy, as a lonely heart wishes for the familiar feeling of contentment or the empty stomach begs for appeasement the memory is what pushes further action and guides wisdom.
The person claiming that 'incidences no longer matter' is either in denial or dysfunctional. These events are what shapes personality, intelligence and nearly every other aspect on which a person predicates interaction with others. Own thy self without disdain or limitations and call it self love.
Individuals who can accept themselves without excuses are a rare breed that is often imitated and misunderstood. Answers of self awareness are not suddenly greater or truer for the remainder of the World. Every individual has unique truths though to thirstily draw lines to signify growth is more for the appearance of an abundance of wisdom rather than actual experience itself. People who understand this are less than uncommon despite there being an overall sense of comprehension, the full brunt of understanding leaves many with a brimming intelligence unarmed in this realm of existence. Deeper than the difference between devout faith and simply being an undaunted believer; deeper than following directions to create a dish and being the one who ingeniously creates delectable dishes like a composer mellifluously strides between notes to create a masterpiece of harmony even while sans tools & instruments of the trade. The difference between skill levels is deeper than innate ability. Its like being born blind only to earn eyeballs. Its like the perfect beat. How many people could there be that truly live on the verge of grasping at the limitations of consciousness watching their conscience flicker like a flame in a gentle breeze. This is not poetry, this is not prose. The point is most people are more alike than not and the very infinitesimal portion that represents the remainder of a tribe of mindset are abandoned as subject to lunacy.
Would it even be known before they were criticized as crazy? What would anyone who would diminish them even know? What would it matter? Transcendence may be perpetually beyond grasp but that doesn't mean standing at the edge of it is pointless. Tend the gardens of the mind.
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