When attempting to understand each other there exists a comprehension variance where the person speaking uses words that they feel represents the vision in their thoughts. The listener has a set lexicon that they use to decipher what a speaker may be attempting to convey. These minds serve the direction supplied by the conscious, subconscious and unconscious motivators. There is no denial that we are programmed. What we are programmed by is typically the direction the argument goes in. Why we are programmed is usually a spin-off of the original "what programmed us" conversation. Ultimately, programming is what allows us to become independent of our infancy in life. Unfortunately, the word set we work with at this point is something that may hinder our ability to connect with others. The ego protects itself from everything including itself. This is why we blame others first.
Within the same sense of communication and misinterpretation, when do the assumptions that are often inspired by the arrogance of experience and unintentional exacerbation of something that may have initiated during infancy then festered in quiet by piggy-backing on valid or reasonable aspects of growth become disruptive in a personal sense?
It is said that good intentions pave the road to Hell and it is fine to take that literally. Who said it was alright to limit yourself to literal interpretations of that phrase without applying it to constructs that are easily understood to slightly more abstract complications? Sure, this is an assumption based on the idea that the premise of this thought is founded(walk with me).
However you may feel about what I've written here today, know that you suffer from this to some extent. Nobody is perfect, not even perfect people. Being glamorized and excused doesn't improve your grip on humanity or speech and the delicate transactions that being human involves but to simply assume to know even when you do know, doesn't mean that you cannot be wrong at the same time. If you took anytime at all to pay attention to people, you would notice how in being right a person is also simultaneously wrong too.
We, humans, exist as contradictions. We like to be cool & we like to be warm at the same time. We want to be where it is hot and sunny but go to find the shade to chill out. We want friends but we want to be alone sometimes to deal with the conflicting magnetisms involved with each desire. We want to feel loved but we spend all of our time pushing that special person away. At any one given moment we are all things and no thing at the same moment depending on what we see as significant or having worth. There is no being right without caveat and a specific sex doesn't have a monopoly on that truth.
The only choice you have is to be as great a person as you can muster, let go of your preconceived notions of preference and fly recklessly into the future because mediocrity settles on good enough. How about you make the decision to be as wonderful as you could possibly make yourself and not just at your pace but at the limit of your ability, perception and form. Go beyond, don't worry about the trip back to center because "center" is following your commands. Don't become a victim of circumstance, that is fear based and weak minded and you aren't weak at all, are you? No, I didn't think so. Leg~go!!!
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