This is not necessarily my opinion but a perspective that I've been brewing in the darker places in my thoughts.
I just wanted to say, that, though many in the Black community don't believe in Psychologist and Psychiatrics, or the idea of Psychotherapy in general. I believe that without even a flicker of doubt that each individual could benefit from the services these professionals provide.
I'm hardly even qualified to make curbside opinions but I have extensive familiarity with Psychological disorders and would direct people down more appropriate avenues.
There is a lot of crazy, especially with hair trigger assumptions and meager minded evaluations.
With that said, I feel that as Black people we have our wires crossed with some wanting that acclaim associated with vigilantism in regards to avoiding a system supposedly established for non-Black affluence; whereas others desire nothing more than to conform and avoid any type of suspicion; another is the typical lay about defeated into acquiescence ; I'm bored and lazy so I'll stop here but that doesn't mean there isn't much more just that for the most part, there are types and though it may appear to be hair brained to some, we fight these battles every day.
I personally, don't like the ideas set forth by most of our society, I detest arbitrary constructs for validity and it confuses me. There are more than enough reasons to implement constructs naturally into society and not attempt to force compliance by means of violating some fundamental necessities and that leads me back into my original statement: everybody has something and that we tend to demonize those that tell the truth because we don't know about those that are lying.
With that, even if you are caught lying thirty years in the future whereas you would have been punished in the past, most people just chalk it up to whimsy and move on. That is unbelievably ridiculous. I'm not saying that some sticklers don't try to be perpetual hard ons but I am saying that typically, the fear associated with crime is unreasonable and the punishments are unjustifiable.
Now, I cannot presume to speak for any black people besides myself. I can only tell you what I see from an "in-group" perspective and that is varying because I am often seen as an "outsider" for various reasonings. My keen taking to word usage and pronunciation, my personal view and worth, my respect of other peoples and consideration for their wants. The list of those minor differences could go on indefinitely because it is being measured against a stereotype, which will always be inaccurate of individuals because we all vary.
I make it a point to refer back to myself as a reference point for my opinion so that I'm not matter of fact speaking but people tend to get annoyed at the constant reminder. It is all so deeply inwardly branching.
Suffice it to say, every thing we do tears at us but somethings much more than others and though this piece of writing is disconnected and almost holographic with the shifting thought, I refuse to not publish it because I wrote it and that means I should at least read it again in 30 days. Sorry :-)
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