Ever been in a relationship that was going fine and then one day the honeymoon was over? Yep! People don't get along for extended periods of time without conflict to suddenly, one day, become embroiled in a life or death situation over the empty box of cereal or the last of the orange juice.
Then you get self-proclaimed experts, who yammer on about how it is a deficit of an internal construct that has met destruction through some obscure action and needs to be rebuilt both externally and internally. Now, my background is in Psychology and I am absolutely an advocate of the many potential uses and the overall validity to the art/science of Psychology. That however, does not mean I endorse quacks, who attempt to do things that they are neither certified nor qualified to do in the name of Psychology.
Given this attention, many people will reflect over personal interpersonal issues and attempt to renegotiate how they do business and with who they do that business with. Unfortunately, it is deeper than that.
and thats all he wrote folks. Beware of the magic that bares the rabbit from which the negativity springs. Finally, one word should bring forth your salvation: Magnanimity. Until then, I'll be that.